Life and death is in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit
-Proverbs 18:21
If you take a moment to stop and reflect on your life right now, could you remember or pinpoint any one event, which bought you to this current point in time?
Can you remember any meditations you focused on allowing the words you rehearsed, to bring you into that place that you are now experiencing?
If not its okay.
Although we may not have total control of what happens in life we do have the power to control what comes out of our mouths.
As much as we would like to believe our lives are built solely on good intentions, what many of us fail to realize is that the words we use, are the same words used to shape our life.
Words have power to edify or tear down ourselves and others.
They create or destroy. Provide direction or cause confusion.
Words can be defined as elements used to form or give a command or signal.
Even more importantly, words are spoken from spaces within the heart that has been cultivated from a seed that reproduces a fruit, after its own kind.
….For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
Often times we speak according to the level of human reasoning. From that place, we release the desires of our own hearts.
The words that are released, are spoken from the overflow of the things we meditate on.
A person doesn’t have to pronounce every word with proper enunciation however the intent by which the word used, is what matters the most.
For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned
-Matthew 12:37
How we speak to ourselves, about ourselves and others matter.
Many times the thoughts we rehearse concerning ourselves reflect our meditation of how we think about ourselves outwardly and project to others in the world.
People can fake what they want others to believe about them to be true, but over time, how a person speaks about themselves and others, reflect the thoughts they carry in their hearts. Actions speak louder than words.
The words you choose to speak over your life, your children, family, and about your situation, all have the power to manifest and cause certain things in your life and theirs, to show up in ways sometimes unimaginable.
The thoughts you allow your heart to meditate on matters.
For instance…
Imagine growing up repeatedly hearing that you’re destined for failure. As you navigate life, you witness your efforts crumble. It’s easy to start believing that trying is futile, that your actions won’t lead to anything meaningful.
Maybe the words came from a parent or significant other, or someone who endured a difficult childhood, facing constant setbacks. They could have felt trapped in a cycle of despair, believing that hope was a distant dream. Despite their hard work and determination, they struggled to achieve a breakthrough, leading them to conclude that their efforts were useless and would never amount to anything.
Discouragement can become incredibly overwhelming to the point that it causes a person to speak death over their life, condemning themselves to a life of defeat. The soil of the heart becomes contaminated with things that never should have been planted, due to the frustration of life causing a person to speak defeat in the atmosphere.
But what ends that cycle of defeat is taking control over the words you speak over yourself.
Words carry vibrations and what you speak will either create limits or break boundaries.
What you see, you speak, and ultimately become.
Be mindful of the words you utter and the words you allow your heart to meditate on.
The places you allow your mind to go and emotions you experience behind those words, have the power to cause you to speak things into existence either enhancing your life positively or open doors to detriment.
God created man in his image and after his likeness and kindness meaning he never created man to fail nor did he speak that he would create a broken thing to continuously reproduce brokenness.
God, from the beginning created and spoke light into being. What God speaks into existence, is accomplished. What he commanded for his word to accomplish then, still exists today.
Gods intention for us is to give him glory in the earth, be fruitful and multiply, just as he done from the beginning of time. Our words have power and that power is to be used to reflect the will of God for our lives, families, future, and the world around us.
If your life isn’t going in the direction you desired for it to go, consider the thoughts you keep. What are your meditations? Who are you allowing to influence your thought life? And most importantly, whose report do you believe?
You have the power and the responsibility to speak forth blessing into your life. Surround yourself with others who understand the power of the spoken word and encourage you to think outside the box of limitation.
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things.
-Philippians 4:8
If that means changing what you watch on television, the music you listen to, or the enviornments you surround yourself with in order to experience positive growth in your life, then do it.
You have one life to live with a purpose to fulfill and allowing defeating or negative self talk or relationships to steer the direction of your life, will cause you to abort your purpose and not see your potential to succeed.
One scripture to leave with you to meditate on is that which is found in Psalm 19:14:
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of may heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.
-Psalm 19:14
Allow the meditations of your heart to be centered on what is pleasing in the sight of God. We are forever and always in his presence. Every word that we speak, think, or meditate upon is taken into consideration in his sight.
There is no place that we can go or be, apart from Gods presence. He is the creator of all things and promises to never leave or forsake us.
You are made in the image and likeness of the Father. Speak words that edify and build up yourself and others. Refrain from words that destroy and tear down.
Instead be fruitful by speaking words that are fruitful. Let your meditations be fruitful, and commit what ever you do to the Lord that your thoughts can be established.
The Lord will begin to direct your thoughts, guide your meditations, and direct your path. Negative words produce fear, however God is not the God of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind.
Allow the Lord to till the soil of your heart with his word and create in you a clean heart and renewed spirit.
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